• Yarn/Fiber

Unveiling the Eco-Friendly Attributes of Japanese Paper Yarn.

Japanese paper yarn, “Washi” is said to be an environmentally friendly material. This time, I will introduce three reasons why washi yarn is environmentally friendly.

Features of the Raw Material

Paper yarn is made from a plant called Manila hemp. It is a member of the Musaceae, commonly known as “Abaca,” which is native to regions such as the Philippines and Ecuador.

This Manila hemp has strong self-sustainability and typically grows to a height of 5 to 6 meters with a diameter of up to 40cm in about three years from seedling to raw material. As a perennial grass that regenerates every 2 to 3 years after harvesting, it can be repeatedly cultivated, making it an environmentally friendly and sustainable source with low environmental impact.

Environmentally Friendly Cultivation Methods

In cultivating the raw material Manila hemp, we completely avoid the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, opting for pesticide-free cultivation. Furthermore, since Manila hemp grows vigorously within a short period, there is no need for herbicides. Moreover, compared to cotton or linen, it requires less water for cultivation. By cultivating it without pesticides, herbicides, and with minimal water usage, we can minimize the environmental impact.


Manila hemp is biodegradable. Biodegradability refers to the property of being decomposed into carbon dioxide and water by the action of soil microorganisms.

When paper yarn is buried in soil, it undergoes biodegradation and eventually returns to the soil completely over time. Furthermore, biodegradable materials do not generate harmful substances when incinerated.

In this article, we introduced the environmentally friendly aspects of Japanese paper raw materials. MONTELUCE offers a variety of Japanese paper yarn.

If you are interested, please contact us through the inquiry form.

For those who want to learn more about the characteristics of washi yarn, please also see this article.